Aromatherapy for Tranquility and Relaxation

Aromatherapy for tranquility and relaxation


According to Taoism,

  • The past is just, the past, long gone and passed on by.
  • The future is not here yet!
  • You are here now, firmly at the moment: dancing from moment to moment. By embracing the ride of now, a person quickly learns to let go of false attachments to past pains, learning to build a future is just a way of deceiving oneself away from now. In this process of embracing life now, a person can let go enough to have a chance to see themselves truly by being present in their life.

In the light of living now, all aspects of our life make us what we are, and that is wonderful. In living now, all futures are possible: opening up new “Possibilities”. Going with the flow and living now make life a wonder.

Being calm and relaxed, is not about quitting life. Οn the contrary our work, our relationships can be much better. We can see more clearly and suddenly new possibilities appear.

Furthermore, to experience inner peace, we don’t have to be anywhere else, do anything else, be anyone else. We don’t have to wait for changes in our circumstances, we don’t need to buy anything, or change anyone else’s behavior.

Nowadays stress, anxiety, nervousness, depression, restlessness, anger, mental anguish, they have all become common words in our daily vocabulary. Especially stress, anxiety and depression are so often that someone could say “they have become a must” in modern society. Although they are negative emotional experiences that can make us feel exhausted and edgy, steal our focus and sleep.

Scientists say that it is very important to distinguish them.  According to David Spiegel, Stanford University’s associate chair of psychiatry and behavioral sciences, “stress and anxiety often gets blurred, there are distinct things to be aware of — including how these emotions affect the body and the root causes of each ……With stress, we know what’s worrying us but with anxiety you become less aware of what we’re anxious about [in the moment] and the reaction becomes the problem”. Spiegel explains, “You start to feel anxious about being anxious.”. He says that whether we’re tense or suffering from something more, the stressful and anxious emotions can sometimes bring the same feelings of arousal. They speed up our heart beats, trigger rapid breathing and cause muscle tension.

I feel that the deepest root in both stress and anxiety is fear. All these physical symptoms are the exact same symptoms when fear is there. The fear of our Ego for survival. Depending on the size, depth and probably other things of our inner wound from childhood and perhaps further back, we can have stress or anxiety. Stress is the feeling of being under too much mental or emotional pressure while anxiety is more about worrying in general.

I would say that if we put them in a scale, nearer to balance is stress and then comes anxiety and we often loose even further the “ball” and fear overwhelms us. Then we have the several so-called anxiety disorders.

Depression is a condition in which a person feels discouraged, sad, hopeless, unmotivated, or disinterested in life in general for more than two weeks and when the feelings interfere with daily activities.

Fear comes with a lot of faces. Fear of death, fear for acceptance, fear of criticism, fear of abandonment etc. Fear is behind everything and controls our life. But “fear” is also an illusion. It is not real. When our Ego feels that it loses control or in reality might lose control, it’s a matter of survival for it. According to our inner recordings from our childhood, each one of us develops different psychological patterns, that include different levels, routes and ways of fear expression.

Nowadays we have a lot of things that could trigger our Ego’s fear for which we are not physically, psychologically and spiritually prepared to deal with.

It is important to remember that stress, anxiety, depression and sleep disorders are all inter-connected. They are all causes and effects of each other, which can put someone into a downward spiral fast and can be challenging to stop once it starts.

There are a lot of techniques to deal with stress, anxiety, depression and sleep disorders. I would say that the first thing that will put us in the right path, is consciously willing to overpass it. A few moments of feeling and observing our body, thoughts and emotions will make the difference. Also, very important is to observe our breathing pattern and allow ourselves to breathe deeply.

While I was writing these lines a friend of mine called me and I believe it was not a coincidence. So, I’ve decided to add a few parts of our conversation. She was very stressed about having to do so many things. Her anxiety to do everything right was causing her depressive and negative thoughts. Her exact words were “I talk to my self logically. I know that it’s fear and the need to control things that overwhelm me. Something inside me says that I have done so many mistakes in the past. And I reply that I know that everything happens for a reason. It’s not possible that I did everything wrong. Never the less although I have logical arguments to calm down my thoughts, it does not work…”. She is a very active person and with discipline to complete what she has to do. She had to submit tax statements for her and other members of her family, she had to find a renter for an empty apartment she owns, she wanted to go to her villa up in the mountain because she was afraid that the person she hired for her garden will not be able to use properly the equipment to cut the grass. In addition, she had to do all these within a few days before her arranged travel abroad. So, with our conversation we concluded that she had to do the following things first:

  • Take a few moments of feeling and observing her body, thoughts and emotions
  • Imagine the possible scenarios she already could see as options of what she could choose to do from all jobs she was stressed to complete the following days.
  • Observe her body, breathing pattern, her chest, her solar plexus to find out which scenario is causing her stress and which joy.
  • Use her ability of discipline to act towards the scenario that gave her joy when imagined it.
  • Use essentials oils as first aid to strengthen her decision to calm down and go with the flow without fear of losing control of everything.

I don’t know if it was a coincidence that she had sandalwood oil in her house to use or if it was the suitable aroma to start with. And what is a coincidence after all…

Essential Oils to calm and relax


Aromatherapy are nature’s answer to a non-invasive coping mechanism. The garden is filled with many plants, flowers and herbs capable of offering to us peace and tranquility, but slowly without even us realizing it. When the body and spirit are soothed, it is easier to sit down with a clear head and rationally deal with whatever it was that had us off the edge before from inside and outside.

Aromatherapy is very popular for calming and relaxing because our sense of smell triggers powerful emotional responses. When the scent of an essential oil is inhaled, molecules enter the nasal cavities and stimulate a firing of mental response in the limbic system of the brain. The same happens when it enters through the skin. These stimulants regulate stress or calming responses, such as heart rate, breathing patterns, production of hormones and blood pressure.

Aromatherapy for tranquility and relaxation can be obtained by using Essential Oils in numerous ways. We can put a few drops in our bath or the floor of our shower. We can inhale them directly from the bottle or put a few drops in a vaporizer or humidifier, fan, vent, bed linen spray, aromatherapy diffusers or just a tissue. We can even make our own perfume. We can have a full body aromatherapy massage by another person or we can just make a massage to our shoulders, neck, chest by ourselves. Use your imagination and don’t allow yourself to think of the most difficult approach. Just do it now.

There are a lot of Essential Oils and blends of them to support us find our center, calm and relax. Each one of us has his/her own personality. This means that different Essential Oils and techniques are suitable to different persons. You can choose the right ones for you after reading their properties. I would suggest to let also yourself choose by intuition since there are always blind spots in our psychology and we might need something else than what we believe we need. If you make a blend of several essential oils it is good to include always your favorite one.

We can achieve tranquility and relaxation by covering several aspects of the issues that cause stress, anxiety, depression and more. A blend with several essential oils will be beneficial. The proportions of each essential oil that you can use, is a personal matter. In general, if you are going to use the blend for topical or full body massage a 2% dilution in a Carrier Oil will be good (6 drops of Essential Oils per tablespoon of carrier oil). Experimentation will give you the desired result.

Aromas to enhance positive thinking and an optimistic mood, could include Bergamot, Melissa and Rose Otto Essential Oils. Clary Sage is famous for inspiring feelings of euphoria, especially used over time. Orange, imparts a sense of serenity and possibility. Blending them together they work to restore depleted Chi and stir up stagnant energy.

If you want to strengthen your self-confidence, especially if you have realized you are a shy person, Jasmine Essential Oil might be the right one for you. The feeling of deficiency and the lack of self-confidence cause also, stress, anxiety and depression. Also, Cedarwood Essential Oil has an earthy aroma that gives you a sense of security. It is calming, purifying and grounding.

Impatience, irritability or restlessness are some of the symptoms of stress and anxiety. Essential Oils can support us to lower our rhythms, relax and realize how insane it is to want everything our way and now. Roman Chamomile will calm the tension caused by the impatience in a discrete way. Frankincense can help us deepen our breath and calm. Lavender and Marjoram will help with irritability while Cypress, the symbol of eternity will balance impatience.

If there is a lot of nervousness i.e. there is tense all the time and start to develop tendencies for physical responses like tick (need to play with something in our hands, we have to act wisely. It is easier to deal with it as soon as possible and avoid more serious consequences later. Essential Oils that could be effective are Roman Chamomile, Rose Otto, Neroli, Jasmine, Vetiver, Lavender, Geranium, Marjoram and Rosemary.

Anger is also, a destructive emotion that do not allow us to find inner peace and relax. There are several essential oils to support us deal with our anger. German Chamomile or Blue as it is called could balance the red of the anger, Ylang-Ylang will release the tension of the anger and Rose Otto can open and sooth the angry heart. Another essential oil that it could be a good addition is Cedarwood that easies tension and gives mental clarity and focus.

Essential Oils can also, comfort us from sorrow and grief. Basil Εssential Οil clears the mind and relieve from mental fatigue and melancholy. Bergamot brings light to our heart while Patchouli comforts in a deeper level sorrow and grief. Jasmine on the other hand is related to joy and make the mood.

Mental anguish is a very destructive emotion. A classic Essential Oil that can help us is Rose Otto which opens gently the heart and release the pain. Another essential oil that it could be a good addition is Cedarwood that easies tension and gives mental clarity and focus.


Last but not least is the emotion of fear. One of the best Essential Oils to support us with fear is Neroli which enhances our ability to stay in the present and get out of the loop reminiscing the past or worrying about the future. Frankincense will help us deepen our breath and calm us down.

By definition the term “depression” covers α wide range of different symptoms and emotions. Someone could be apathetic and lethargic with no ability to be active and another could be nervous, with difficulty to sleep and moments of extreme activity. So different symptoms require different Essential Oils and techniques to bring balance.

For someone with apathy and a general lethargic attitude towards everything a suitable blend of essential oils could include Bergamot, Geranium, Rosemary, Cypress, Jasmine, Melissa and Mint to clear the mind. Whatever technique you decide to treat yourself with, do it by your own. Decide the essential oils you are going to use, treat your body with care and love by giving it a massage wherever your hands go or have a bath. Use your aromatherapy diffuser but don’t ask by someone else to do it for you.

When there is nervousness and difficulty to sleep, another approach is more appropriate. You have to let of control. Accept the love and tenderness from someone else.  A suitable blend of essential oils could include Roman Chamomile or German Chamomile, Neroli, Sandalwood, Ylang-Ylang, Frankincense and Clary sage.

In general, a classic blend of essential oils that will calm and relax you, can include Lavender, Roman Chamomile or German Chamomile, Neroli, Rose Otto, Frankincense, Sandalwood, Bergamot, Ylang-Ylang, Marjoram, Melissa and Clary sage. Other essential oils that will complete your blend could be Patchouli, Vetiver, Rosemary, Geranium, Jasmine, Cypress, Cedarwood and citrus aromas like Sweet Orange or Bitter Orange and Petitgrain to awake you.

Brief description of suggested essential oils


Geranium Essential Oil

natural leaf

Geranium Essential Oil: It stimulates the adrenal cortex, which is primarily responsible for secreting hormones, which help to balance the production of other hormones (including male and female sex hormones). It supports in depression and anxiety symptoms and it is very often recommended for PMS and menopausal problems (to help balance the production of estrogen and progesterone produced by the body).

Geranium Essential Oil

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Geranium Essential Oil, Certified Organic

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Geranium Essential Oil 118ml

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Vetiver Essential Oil (Vetiveria zizanioides)

natural leaf

Vetiver Essential Oil (Vetiveria zizanioides): Has a tranquil, grounding and reassuring energy. It is often used in trauma supporting with self-awareness, calmness and stabilization. It is a natural tonic for the nervous system. It decreases jitteriness and hypersensitivity and is also useful in panic attacks and shock.

Vetiver Essential Oil 118ml

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Vetiveria zizanioides

Vetiver Essential Oil, Certified Organic

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Rose Otto Essential Oil (Rosa damascena)

natural leaf

Rose Otto (Rosa damascena): “the Queen of Flowers” with light, sweet, floral high notes, has an intoxicating, subtle deep, almost spicy aroma that eases stress. Rose comforts the heart that is in pain and helps in mourning as well as those who mourn the end of a relationship. It’s very settling to the emotional heart and perhaps the second most popular after lavender for relieving anxiety and depression. It is very supportive with panic attacks, grieving and shock. The rose stimulates the heart muscle and brings optimism, removes stress and generally “cares”.

It relieves pain, sadness and frustration, resting quietly until the mood changes. It also helps in reducing anxiety and mental suffering by strengthening your inner self.

Using rose even in small amounts can help us release fears associated with intimacy, trust and possessiveness. It can also help us integrate our male and female energies which are key to becoming “whole” and balanced. It is related to the chakra of the Heart. It opens and heals the Heart to love ourselves and others.

Rose Otto Essential Oil

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Rosa Damascena


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German Chamomile Essential Oil

natural leaf

German Chamomile Essential Oil (Matricaria chamomilla): it is blue in color which comes from its Azulene content. German and Roman chamomile essential oils have similar uses, but the chemistry is different. German Chamomile Essential Oil contains more active ingredients which make it a more potent oil. It has better anti-inflammatory properties due to higher concentration of Azulene while Roman Chamomile is better as a calming agent and use for sore muscles.

German Chamomile Essential Oil

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Chamomile German Blue

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German Chamomile Essential Oil Bio

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Roman Chamomile Essential Oil (Chamaemelum nobile)

natural leaf

Roman Chamomile Essential Oil (Chamaemelum nobile): A peaceful, calming scent that promotes inner harmony and decreases irritability, overthinking, anxiety and worry. Roman chamomile essential oil has been used as a mild sedative to calm nerves and reduce anxiety by promoting relaxation. Inhaling it, is one of the best ways to utilize essential oils for anxiety. The fragrance is carried directly to the brain and serves as an emotional trigger. Research shows that Roman chamomile can be used for relief of depressive and anxiety symptoms. Brings peace, love and acceptance to self. Can be helpful for shock and grief. While decreasing irritability and worry, chamomile promotes inner harmony with its peaceful scent.

Its antispasmodic properties allow it to soothe menstrual cramps and body aches that are commonly associated with PMS, such as headaches and back pain. It can even help clear up acne that may appear as a result of hormone fluctuations. Roman chamomile promotes healthy sleep and fight insomnia. It prevents infections, removes toxic agents, improves digestion, treats rheumatism, skin care, relieves pain, removes excess gas, boosts nervous system, and tones the body.

it’s one of the gentlest essential oils on the planet, making it great for infants and children.

Roman Chamomile Essential Oil

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Chamaemelum nobile

Roman Chamomile Essential Oil Organic

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Roman Chamomile Essential Oil 10ml

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Roman Chamomile Essential Oil 5ml

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Lavender Essential Oil (Lavandula Angustifolia)

natural leaf

Lavender Essential Oil (Lavandula Angustifolia): a panacea with a reputation that goes on for thousands of years. Many of the properties of lavender are due to its basic action on balancing body functions and emotions.

Οn psychological level Lavender Essential Oil is soothing, balancing and calming, helps in mood swings, depression and premenstrual tension. Its calming, relaxing effect can be used to facilitate meditation. The balancing properties of lavender restore harmony to the aura. Eases anger and frustration. Often considered as a nervous system restorative and helps with inner peace, sleep, restlessness, irritability, panic attacks, nervous stomach and general nervous tension. It is considered one of the most common antidepressant essential oils while reduces anxiety and emotional stress.

On physical level it facilitates menstruation, balances hypertension, improve sleep, protect against diabetes symptoms, improve brain function, help to heal burns and wounds, restore skin complexion and reduce acne, slow aging with powerful antioxidants, relieve pain, and alleviate headaches.

Research demonstrates lavender’s ability to lower anxiety in patients undergoing coronary artery bypass surgery and in people visiting the dentist.

Lavender Essential Oil- Frence

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Lavandula angustifolia

Lavender Essential Oil 100ml

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Lavender Essential Oil Organic

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Lavender Essential Oil French 10ml

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Clary sage Essential Oil

natural leaf

Clary sage Essential Oil: It’s famous for inspiring feelings of euphoria, especially used over time. In other words, clary sage oil is an effective natural remedy for depression. It also, regulates the menstrual cycle by balancing hormone levels naturally. Evidence from studies suggest that it can effective in reducing maternal anxiety, fear and pain during labor.

In physical level Clary sage is also antispasmodic. It treats spasms and related issues such as muscle cramps, headaches and stomachaches.

Clary sage Essential Oil 10ml

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Clary sage

Clary sage Essential Oil

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Bergamot Essential Oil (Citrus bergamia)

natural leaf

Bergamot Essential Oil (Citrus bergamia): a drop of Bergamot essential oil on your wrists is enough for its aroma to give us joy and open our heart. Its sweet and fruity aroma is uplifting and relaxing. Bergamot supports us to release the need to be in complete control so that we can flow with life more easily.

When we can relax and trust the universe to handle details of any life situation, we release the fear of the unknown and become clear about our own mission. It opens the heart chakra and eases stress and tension in mind, body and soul. A drop on the heart supports us release patterns and embrace relationships (with self and others).

The essence of Bergamot supports us when dealing with dependency or compulsiveness that may be associated with smoking, drugs or alcohol.

In addition to its energy-boosting properties, Bergamot can also induce relaxation by releasing emotional pain. It is calming and often used to treat depression by providing energy. It can also help with insomnia.

Physically relieves joint and muscle pain, aids digestive system, soothes skin irritations, works as a sedative, cleanses oily skin, kills germs and bacteria, relieves stress, and reduces cough.

Bergamot is generally safe, but it is best to avoid use with sun exposure as it is photosensitizing, so the risk of sunburn and rash will increase.

Bergamot Essential Oil 10ml

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Bergamot Essential Oil 100ml

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Ylang Ylang Essential Oil (Cananga odorata)

natural leaf

Ylang Ylang Essential Oil (Cananga odorata): The flower of flowers with its sweet and floral aroma is very calming and relaxing. In a deeper state it works with fear and as a result it assists to release negative emotions such as anger, possessiveness or low self-esteem while nourishing the positive ones such as confidence and self-love.

Ylang Ylang Essential oil also helps if there is lack of energy both physically and spiritually. It brings the body, mind and spirit back into alignment.

It is one of the oldest known antidepressants. It relaxes the body and relieves anxiety, fear, sadness and chronic stress while improves self-esteem. It uplifts the mood and brings feelings of joy and hope. It could be effective for nervous breakdowns and acute depression after a shock or an accident.

Ylang Ylang Essential Oil 10ml

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ylang ylang cananga odorata

Ylang Ylang Essential Oil 100ml

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Neroli Essential Oil

natural leaf

Neroli Essential Oil: it is an extraction from Bitter Orange Blossom Flower. Its fruity and sweet aroma is very calming, relaxing and gently balancing. It enhances our ability to stay in the present and get out of the loop reminiscing the past or worrying about the future. In situations of panic and fear, our body and mind are separated. So, it gently supports us to come back and use our forgotten power to live and manifest things in the present by opening the heart and releasing emotions such as these of powerless and self-imposed restrictions.

Neroli Essential Oil supports the melting of energetic blockages and allows the reconnection with our spirit in the present. It is antispasmodic, relaxing and clearing by releasing fear. So Neroli Essential Oil is an antidepressant and is very helpful for states of high anxiety. It is gently sedating and very helpful when one is having a down time.

Neroli Essential Oil 10ml

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Neroli Essential Oil 100ML

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Neroli Essential Oil

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Jasmine Essential Oil (Jasminum officinale)

natural leaf

Jasmine Essential Oil  (Jasminum officinale): the “queen of the night” with its strong scent during the evening hours is known for its seductive qualities. it is very expensive because of the enormous amounts of flowers needed to produce a small amount of essential oil. The flowers have to be gathered at night because their aroma is more powerful after dark. Its sweet and floral aroma is uplifting and relaxing. It has been used for emotional balance for hundreds of years. Its primary use has been to ease stress and to bring on euphoria and happiness.

Jasmine essential oil is relaxing and emotionally warming, a powerful antidepressant of a stimulating nature, especially supportive if there is lethargy or a lack of confidence. It is calming in stressful situations and centering.

Even in small amounts it can be very helpful to release sexuality fears associated with issues such as intimacy, feeling of unworthiness and being used. It will also attune us to the spiritual nature of sexuality.

Jasmine Essential Oil 10ml

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Jasminum Officinale

Jasmine Essential Oils 100ML

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Marjoram Essential Oil (Origanum majorana)

natural leaf

Marjoram Essential Oil (Origanum majorana): its spicy and woody aroma is mentally strengthening and relaxing. It calms the nervous tension.

Greeks and Romans associated Marjoram with love and happiness, but also with transition through physical death. Metaphorically death is a transformation. Therefore, if you feel disconnected, insecure, unsupported, you can transform these feelings with the assistance of Marjoram Essential oil.

On physical level Marjoram relaxes tense muscles after exercise and is very supportive to the nervous and cardiovascular systems. It lowers high blood pressure. As it moves stagnant energy it is good for constipation and relieves intestinal spasms. It is very helpful to painful menstruation and for all muscular pains, bruises, neuralgia and spasms.

Marjoram Essential Oil

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Marjoram Essential Oil (Origanum majorana)

Marjoram Essential Oil 10ml

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Melissa or Lemon Balm Essential Oil (Melissa officinalis)

natural leaf

Melissa or Lemon Balm Essential Oil  (Melissa officinalis): physician and alchemist Paracelsus called it the “Elixir of Life”. He believed it was a rejuvenator of the mind and body and promoted longevity. The plant has a very low oil yield so the distillation cost is extremely high. Its delicate and lemon scent aroma is calming and uplifting. It has been used for centuries to harmonize the mind and body. It will help those who are sensitive and feel pressure easily.

Due to its calming, soothing effects, Melissa essential oil may also help to lower high blood pressure and will help to calm over-rapid breathing and heartbeat. This essential oil is recommended when initially treating shocked and bereaved individuals. Due to its antiseptic and cytophilactic abilities, Melissa essential oil is good for treating acne, dermatitis and eczema in low doses (1% dilution).

Lemon Balm is also, supportive for a healthy immune system function. It is strengthening and revitalizing, yet soothing and calming making it good to ease stress.

Melissa or Lemon Balm Essential Oil 10ml

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Melissa or Lemon Balm Essential Oil 10ml

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Melissa or Lemon Balm Essential Oil 100ml

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Patchouli Essential Oil (Pogostemum cablin)

natural leaf

Patchouli Essential Oil (Pogostemum cablin): The plant has a long history of use in traditional Chinese medicine as a stimulant, tonic and antiseptic.

It is a very supportive essential oil for depression as it soothes feelings of sadness or loss and fills with new hope. It uplifts the mood, drives away disappointment, and relaxes tension. Patchouli has an impact on hormones and other various chemical reactions in the body and mind. It stimulates the release of pleasure hormones like serotonin and dopamine and this makes it helpful for feelings of anxiety, anger, and sadness. It also has the reputation of being a natural aphrodisiac.

On physical level Patchouli can be used to treat acne, cracked skin, certain types of eczema, fungal infections (athletes’ foot), some skin allergies and even dandruff.

Patchouli Essential Oil

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Patchouli Essential Oil 100ml

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Patchouli Essential Oil 10ml

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Frankincense Essential Oil

natural leaf

Frankincense Essential Oil: This oil delivers tranquil energy along with spiritual grounding. It is particularly helpful to use during yoga and general meditation as it helps deepen meditation and quiet the mind. It is suitable for treating depression and anxiety because it provides a calming and tranquil energy as well as spiritual grounding. Frankincense Essential Oil helps reduce stress reactions and negative emotions.

Physically it helps boost immune system function and prevents illness, may help fight cancer or deal with chemotherapy side effects, astringent and can kill harmful germs and bacteria, heals skin and prevents signs of aging, balances hormone levels, eases digestion, acts as a sleep aid and helps decrease inflammation and pain.

Mixed with bergamot and lavender oils in a 1:1 ratio in an aroma hand massage, Frankincense Essential Oil was found to have a positive effect on pain and depression in hospice patients with terminal cancer in a Keimyung University study in Korea.

Frankincense Essential Oil 10ml

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Frankincense Essential Oil

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Frankincense Essential Oil 118ml

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Petitgrain Essential Oil (Citrus aurantium)

natural leaf

Petitgrain Essential Oil (Citrus aurantium): Petitgrain is an oil that is obtained from the steam distillation of the leaves and young tips of twigs of the bitter orange tree. It is a nerve tonic and a good essential oil to use for insomnia, especially if the insomnia is a result of loneliness and depression. It has a cheery scent and comforting nature that make it a wise addition to an antidepressant blend (great for Seasonal Affective Disorder).

Petitgrain Essential Oil 10ml

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Petitgrain Essential Oil (Citrus aurantium)

Petitgrain Essential Oil 50ml

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Rosemary Essential Oil (Rosmarinus officinalis CT cineol)

natural leaf

Rosemary Essential Oil (Rosmarinus officinalis CT cineol): is the most powerful essential oil for mental clarity, strength and uplifting. Its strong aromatic scent of herbs and wood keeps the mind alert and focused.

It is stimulating, purifying and protective. It is a traditional ingredient of incense and helps meditation. Rosemary is a psychic protector, a symbol of friendship and love. As a reminder of love, it was used traditional in weddings and funerals.

Ancient Greeks used it to understand loyalty. Loyalty to self before others. When we are more loving and loyal to others rather than to ourselves our energy becomes stagnant and cloudy (resulting in poor circulation and/or concentration). It’s about walking in our truth by being faithful to our self and our own destiny or purpose. This is why this essential oil is connected to our heart energy.

Rosemary Essential Oil 30ml

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Rosemary Essential Oil 10ml

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Rosemary Essential Oil Organic

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Sweet Orange Essential Oil

natural leaf

Sweet Orange Essential Oil: it is derived from the outer peel of the common orange fruit. Its aroma reminds us of happy moments and brings pleasant thoughts to mind. It creates a happy, relaxed feeling and works as a mood lifter, perfect for depression symptoms or chronic anxiety. Research suggests that the essential oil of orange helps reduce pulse rate and salivary cortisol that is secreted when one is in a state of anxiety.

To lift your mood and relax, diffuse Sweet Orange Essential Oil or add a few drops to your shower wash or perfume, or even inhale it directly. It’s a great essential oil for balancing hormones since it can help turn off reactions from stress hormones like cortisol. The aroma of Sweet Orange Essential Oil can brighten our mood in the morning or calm our nerves after a long day.

Sweet Orange Essential Oil 10ml

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Sweet Orange Essential Oil

Sweet Orange Essential Oil Organic

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Bitter Orange Essential Oil

natural leaf

Bitter Orange Essential Oil: It is obtained from the peel of bitter orange tree fruits. The therapeutic properties of bitter orange oil are considered to be very similar to sweet orange.

On emotional level bitter orange essential oil is extremely uplifting and energizing for the body yet calming to the mind and emotions. It can be extremely helpful in easing stress and anxiety. has calming, uplifting and stimulating properties, helping to revive and energize a tired spirit.

Bitter Orange Essential Oil 100ml

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Bitter Orange Essential Oil 10ml

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Bitter Orange Essential Oil

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Sandalwood Essential Oil

natural leaf

Sandalwood Essential Oil:  One of the primary sandalwood benefits I that it promotes mental clarity. This is why it is frequently used for meditation, prayer, or other spiritual rituals. A study has shown the effect of sandalwood essential oil on attention and arousal levels.

It helps to create a feeling of relaxation and peace without drowsiness. It promotes what researchers referred to as a harmonious feeling, more of a present, clear, but calm awareness. When we are stressed out, it is difficult to remember important things. Sandalwood essential oil promotes cognitive clarity that can help improve memory. In stressful situations like a deadline that requires mental focus and to remain calm during the process, try to inhale Sandalwood essential oil. Furthermore, it increases libido, especially for men and provide energy.

On physical level Sandalwood is high in antioxidants that can help reduce damage caused by free radicals, which promote aging. It can be supportive to decrease blood pressure, help reduce the severity and duration of a cough, mild astringent. It can also help in spasms of nerves, muscles, and blood vessels.

Sandalwood Essential Oil 118ml

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Sandalwood Essential Oil 10ml

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Sandalwood Essential Oil 100ml

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Cedarwood Essential Oil (Cedrus atlantica)

natural leaf

Cedarwood Essential Oil (Cedrus atlantica) has an earthy aroma that gives a sense of security. It is calming, purifying and grounding. Cedarwood oil contains the highest amount of sesquiterpenes that stimulate the limbic system of the brain which helps to elevate our mood and helps us relax from stressful situations. As a result, it helps us with mental clarity and focus.

It’s warming and relaxing while eases nervous tension, calms anger and eases stress. Native Americans traditionally used it to enhance their spiritual communication.

On physical level Cedarwood essential oil is used as an expectorant in bronchial infections because it breaks down mucus. In a bath it can help in the treatment of cystitis and vaginal infections and discharges. As a mild astringent, it is great for treating acne. It is also a very good essential oil to eliminate lactic acid and move toxins from joints, as well as help with cellulite.

Cedarwood Essential Oil 118ml

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Cedarwood Essential Oil 10ml

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Cedarwood Essential Oil 100ml

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Cypress Essential Oil (Cupressus sempervirens)

natural leaf

Cypress Essential Oil (Cupressus sempervirens): its aroma has a stimulating and elevating effect on the mind and psyche, which helps to relieve and quell anger. This essential oil may help to calm angry, stressed out individuals.

Cypress Essential oil has sedative effects, and it induces a calm and relaxed feeling It is also energizing, and it stimulates feelings of happiness and ease. This can be particularly helpful for people who are undergoing emotional stress, having trouble sleeping, or have experienced recent trauma or shock. To use cypress essential oil as a natural remedy for anxiety and anxiousness, add five drops of oil to a warm-water bath or diffuser. It can be especially helpful to diffuse Cypress Essential oil at night, beside your bed, to treat restlessness or symptoms of insomnia.

Cypress essential oil has some wonderful astringent properties, making it helpful in treating edema, excessive perspiration, and even over-heavy menstruation. This oil has been used in the treatment of cellulite by helping to improve circulation and reduce the amount of fluid that is retained in the body’s tissue, as well as with varicose veins and hemorrhoids. The deodorant and astringent properties of Cypress essential oil make it the ideal candidate for use in a footbath when dealing with excessive perspiration of the feet (helps with smelly feet, too).

Cypress essential oil is also antispasmodic, especially on the bronchi, so it is a great oil to use when treating asthma, coughs or whooping cough through direct inhalation (place a drop on a tissue or in a diffuser). Asthmatic sufferers will benefit from Cypress essential oil being used in the bedroom.

Cypress Essential Oil 10ml

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Cypress Essential Oil Organic

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Cypress Essential Oil

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