
Aromatherapy is a wholistic approach, a way of restoring health and energy balance at the same time at all levels of human existence – physical, mental and spiritual. It is a natural treatment and at the same time a way of care and enjoyment.Aromatherapy is a wholistic approach, a way of restoring health and energy balance at the same time at all levels of human existence – physical, mental and spiritual. It is a natural treatment and at the same time a way of care and enjoyment.

Aromatherapy is based on the use of Essential Oils, the essence of plants, leaves and flowers, citrus fruits and plant resins. The word “aroma” means smell, of sophisticated quality that is the fragrance of plants and “therapy” means the use of essential oils for treatment in various cases. It is a natural therapy since we use the essence of plants.

Essential oils are alive and dynamic. They contain the active energy of life of the plant from which they come from. They help us to connect to our divine source and delete negative emotions on a cellular level.

The delicate complexity of essential oils cannot be artificially copied using inorganic chemicals. That is why essential oils affect our moods and emotions while this cannot happen with synthetic fragrances.

You can choose your essential oils according to your needs. You can observe your body, thoughts and emotions and make an informed decision using critical thought. For example, there are a lot of essential oils used for relaxation. You will find the right one for you by combining information on the other properties each one has. Of course, since we are not always able to see the basic inner cause for a lot of things, you can choose your essential oils intuitively. You will pick the right one for you!


The history of aromatherapy

The art of aromatherapy is the oldest and most natural healing method along with phytotherapy. In ancient botanologies, magic was inseparably linked to medicine. However, the way practitioners used herbs proves that they knew their true power.

The roots of aromatherapy can be traced back to the early Egyptian empire 5.000 years ago. Clay tablets used to order the essential oils of myrrh and cypress, dating from 1800 BC, were found in Babylon.  So, although no one is quite certain how or when aromatherapy originated, it is definitely not a recent discovery.

There is a lot of evidence to suggest that the ancient Egyptians used essential oils for embalming their dead. All the oils have antiseptic properties and would have greatly slowed down the decomposition of the body. The Egyptians passed their knowledge to the ancient Greeks who used the essential oils in their medical treatments.

The Romans used essential oils more lavishly to beautify themselves. They would rub them into their skins both before and after bathing and use them to perfume their cloths and hair. Eventually the Romans brought their knowledge to Britain. During the Great Plague of the Middle ages people wore pomanders impregnated with essential oils, churches were fumigated with frankincense and pepper and incense was continually burned in houses. Aromatic substances were used everywhere as they were the most effective antiseptic available at that time. Glove makers supposedly escaped the Black Death because they were protected by the essential oils they used to perfume gloves. Also, up until the nineteenth century physicians would carry little containers filled with essential oils on their walking canes, believing these would protect them from contagious diseases.

Sadly, during the nineteenth century, essences began to be copied chemically to lower their cost. This resulted in the loss of their therapeutic properties.

In the early 20th century, research began in earnest once again. An important figure was the French scientist Rene Maurice Gattefosse who discovered for himself just how healing essential oils can be. He badly burned his hand and quickly immersed it in lavender essential oil, the nearest available cool liquid. Amazed at how quickly the burn healed, with no sign of a scar, he continued to research the oils much further and also coined the term aromatherapy.

During the first world war he experimented with essential oils on soldiers’ wounds and found that they accelerated the healing process. He continued his research into the healing powers of essential oils and classified their effects on the human nervous system, metabolism, vital organs and endocrine system.


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